11. High level moraine terrace, Amphitheatre Butte - three men in distance gives scale Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-06-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
12. Russell valley (with glacier at head) from west side of Disenchantment Bay Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-06-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
13. Miss Pauline Powers - on Santa Ana (steamer) Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: SE Coast AlaskaSouthern Panhandle Date: 1906-06-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr