71. Cornell University Class 1889 Class Portrait Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Date: 1889 Format: Image
72. Willard Fiske Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cairo, Egypt Date: 1889 Format: Image Creator: Lekegian, G. & Co
73. Ambrose E. Campbell Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1889 Format: Image
74. Plate IX: Mexican Anthropology. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: San Juan Teotihuaca?n, Mexico Date: 1889 Format: Image Creator: Batres, Leopoldo
75. Pleasant Valley Winery notebook. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1889 Format: Image
76. Albert E. Young? Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1889 Format: Image
77. Impression from a woodcut of a small portion of Mr. Babbage's Difference Engine, No.1 Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1889 Format: Image Creator: Babbage, Henry Prevost
78. Siam 250 years ago. A description of the kingdom of Siam, written in 1636 Creator: Schouten, Joost Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Bang'olem Press Publication Place: Bangkok Date: 1889 Format: Book
79. A naturalist in north Celebes : a narrative of travels kn Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, with notices of the fauna, flora and ethnology of the districts visited Creator: Hickson, Sydney John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1889 Format: Book
80. To Siam and Malaya in the Duke of Sutherland's yacht 'Sans peur' Creator: Caddy, Florence Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Hurst and Blackett, Ltd Publication Place: London Date: 1889 Format: Book