1. Amiens Cathedral West Facade. Jamb Figures on Right Side of Right Portal Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France Date: 1858 (photograph) 1220-ca. 1270 (building) Format: Image Creator: Bisson Frères (French photography studio, 1841-1864)
2. Amiens Cathedral West Facade. Central Portal Tympanum Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France Date: 1220-ca. 1270 (building) 1858 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Bisson Frères (French photography studio, 1841-1864)
3. Amiens Cathedral. Detail of Statues of Apostles (Embrasures) Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France Date: 1220-ca. 1270 (building) 1858 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Bisson Frères (French photography studio, 1841-1864)