41. Speech of Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, the revival of the African slave-trade, and the president's message : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Feb. 21, 1857. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: [s.n.] Publication Place: Washington [D.C.]: Date: 1857 Format: Book
42. Calliste xanthogastra: The yellow-bellied spotted tanager: Oudart lith.: Lith. Becquet fr. Paris Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1857 Format: Image Creator: Oudart, Paul Louis (French painter and printmaker, 1796-1850/1859) Engraver: Becquet fr.
43. 1. Calliste melanonota, mas.: 2. foemina: Oudart del.: Lith. Geny Gros, Paris Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1857 Format: Image Creator: Oudart, Paul Louis (French painter and printmaker, 1796-1850/1859) Engraver: Geny Gros
44. Calliste boliviana: Oudart del.: Imp. Lemercier, Paris Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1857 Format: Image Creator: Oudart, Paul Louis (French painter and printmaker, 1796-1850/1859) Engraver: Lemercier
45. Members of the First American Chess Congress, 1857. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1857 Format: Image
46. Scene with 2 oxen yoked to covered wagon Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1857 Format: Image Creator: Koels, Alfonso E
47. Virginia Tax Bill Includes Tax on 21 Slaves Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Albemarle County, Virginia Date: 1857 Format: Image
48. Slaves for hire Document, four girls Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Florida Date: 1857 Format: Image
49. The kingdom and people of Siam : with a narrative of the mission to that country in 1855, v.1 Creator: Bowring, John, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J.W. Parker and son Publication Place: London Date: 1857 Format: Book
50. The kingdom and people of Siam : with a narrative of the mission to that country in 1855, v.2 Creator: Bowring, John, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J.W. Parker and son Publication Place: London Date: 1857 Format: Book