1. Remarks of Mr. Webster on the following resolution, moved by Mr. Clay, as a substitute for the 5th of Mr. Calhoun's resolutions : viz: "resolved, that the interference, by the citizens of any of the states, with the view to the abolition of slavery in this district, is endangering the rights and security of the people of this district; and that any act or measure of Congress, designed to abolish slavery in this district, would be a violation of the faith implied in the cessions by the states of Virginia and Maryland; a just cause of alarm to the people of the slave-holding states, and have a direct and inevitable tendency to disturb and endanger the Union.". Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington Date: 1838 Format: Book
2. Mr. Allen's report of a declaration of sentiments on slavery, Dec. 5, 1837. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Henry J. Howland Publication Place: Worcester [Mass.] Date: 1838 Format: Book
3. Immediate emancipation : safe and profitable for masters;--happy for slaves;--right in government;--advantageous to the nation;--would interfere with no feelings but such as are destructive;--cannot be postponed without continually increasing danger. : An outline for it, and remarks on compensation Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Published by Charles Whipple Publication Place: Newburyport [Mass.] Date: 1838 Format: Book
4. An address delivered at the Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y. August 1, 1838 : by request of the people of color of that city, in commemoration of the complete emancipation of 600,000 slaves on that day, in the British West Indies Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: published by Isaac Knapp Publication Place: Boston Date: 1838 Format: Book
5. Address of the Eastern Executive Committee of the State Anti-Slavery Society : to the citizens of Pennsylvania. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Merrihew and Gunn Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1838 Format: Book
6. Mr. Allen's report of a declaration of sentiments on slavery, Dec. 5, 1837. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Henry J. Howland Publication Place: Worcester [Mass.] Date: 1838 Format: Book
7. Memoir on slavery, read before the Society for the Advancement of Learning, of South Carolina : at its annual meeting at Columbia, 1837 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Published by James S. Burges Publication Place: Charleston [S.C.] Date: 1838 Format: Book
8. An examination of Mr. Bradish's answer to the interrogatories presented to him by a committee of the State Anti-Slavery Society, October 1, 1838. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Hoffman & White Publication Place: Albany Date: 1838 Format: Book
9. Slavery: a sermon, delivered in the First Congregational Church in New Orleans, April 15, 1838. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: J. Gibson, printer Publication Place: New Orleans, Date: 1838 Format: Book
10. A discourse on the Alton outrage : delivered at Peacham, Vermont, December 17, 1837 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Asa McFarland Publication Place: Concord, N.H. Date: 1838 Format: Book