1. Speech before an auxiliary of the American Colonization Society : Utica, January 13, 1834 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Press of William Williams Publication Place: Utica [N.Y.] Date: 1834 Format: Book
2. Mr. Birney's letter to the churches. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: United States Date: 1834 Format: Book
3. De lagriculture coloniale : en râeponse áa M. de Sismondi. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Paris? Date: 1834 Format: Book
4. Address on the power and value of the Sunday school system in evangelizing heathen and re-constructing Christian communitys [sic] : by an improvement of the religion and morals, the education and literature, and the social, civil and political institutions of evry [sic] people: and on the southern enterprise of the American Sunday School Union : delivered in the Lutheran church, city of Charleston, on Monday evening, March 17, 1834 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: [s.n.] Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1834 Format: Book
5. An address delivered before the Female Anti-slavery Society of Philadelphia : in the session room of the Second Presbyterian Church (on Cherry Street) in the first month, (January) 1834 to which is added an appendix Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by T.K. Collins Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1834 Format: Book
6. An address delivered before the Tompkins County Colonization Society at their third anniversary, held in Ithaca, March 4, 1834 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: D. Fairchild, printer Publication Place: Trumansburg Date: 1834 Format: Book
7. The church and the clergy : showing that religious establishments derive no countenance from the nature of Christianity and that they are not recommended by public utility : with some observations on the church establishment of England and Ireland, and on the system of tithes Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Harvey and Darton Publication Place: London Date: 1834 Format: Book
8. Letter on colonization : addressed to the Rev. Thornton J. Mills, corresponding secretary of the Kentucky Colonization Society Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Office of the Anti-Slavery Reporter Publication Place: New York Date: 1834 Format: Book
9. Letters on the Colonization Society; : and on its probable results; under the following heads: The origin of the Society; Increase of the coloured population; Manumission of slaves in this country; Declarations of legislatures, and other assembled bodies, in favour of the Society : Situation of the colonists at Monrovia, and other towns; Moral and religious character of the settlers; Soil, climate, productions, and commerce of Liberia; Advantages to the free coloured population, by emigration to Liberia; Disadvantages of slavery to the white population; Character of the natives of Africa before the irruptions of the barbarians; Effects of colonization on the slave trade; with a slight sketch of that nefarious and accursed traffic. : Addressed to the Hon. C.F. Mercer, M.H.R.U.S. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: For sale by Carey & Hart (Stereotyped by L. Johnson.) Publication Place: [Philadelphia] Date: 1834 Format: Book
10. Letters on the Colonization Society; : and on its probable results; under the following heads: The origin of the Society; Increase of the coloured population; Manumission of slaves in this country; Declarations of legislatures, and other assembled bodies, in favour of the Society : Situation of the colonists at Monrovia, and other towns; Moral and religious character of the settlers; Soil, climate, productions, and commerce of Liberia; Advantages to the free coloured population, by emigration to Liberia; Disadvantages of slavery to the white population; Character of the natives of Africa before the irruptions of the barbarians; Effects of colonization on the slave trade; with a slight sketch of that nefarious and accursed traffic. : Addressed to the Hon. C.F. Mercer, M.H.R.U.S. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: For sale by Carey & Hart (Stereotyped by L. Johnson.) Publication Place: [Philadelphia] Date: 1834 Format: Book