1. An oration on the abolition of the slave trade : delivered in the African Church, in the city of New-York, January 1, 1808 Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Samuel Wood Publication Place: New-York Date: 1808 Format: Book
2. A discourse, delivered at the African Meeting-House, in Boston, July 14, 1808 : in grateful celebration of the abolition of the African slave-trade, by the governments of the United States, Great Britain and Denmark Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Lincoln & Edmands Publication Place: Boston Date: 1808 Format: Book
3. Review of hints on evangelical preaching. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Boston? Date: 1808 Format: Book
4. 1. Picus auratus, Gold-winged Woodpecker: 2. Emberiza americana, Black-throated Bunting: 3. Motacilla sialis, Blue Bird: drawn from nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by G. Murray Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: G. Murray
5. 1. Carolina Parrot: 2. Canada Flycatcher: 3. Hooded Flycatcher: 4. Green, black-capt Flycatcher: drawn from Nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by A. Lawson Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: A. Lawson
6. 1. Cow Bunting: 2. Female: 3. Young: 4. Maryland Yellow throat: 5. Blue grey Flycatcher: 6. White-eyed Flycatcher Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: A. Lawson
7. 1. Night-hawk: 2. Female: drawn from nature by A. Wilson: engraved by J.G. Warnicke Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: J.G. Warnicke
8. 1. Corvus cristatus, Blue Jay: 2. Fringilla tristis, Yellow-Bird or Goldfinch: 3. Oriolus Baltimorus, Baltimore Bird: Drawn from Nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by A. Lawson Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: A. Lawson
9. 1. Pinnated Grous: 2. Blue-green Warbler: 3. Nashville Warbler: drawn from Nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by A. Lawson Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: A. Lawson
10. 1. Roseate Spoonbill: 2.American Avoset: 3. Ruddy Plover: 4. Semipalmated Sandpiper: Drawn from Nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by J. G. Warnicke Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: J. G. Warnicke