1. Address of the president of the New-Jersey Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, to the general meeting at Trenton, on Wednesday the 26th of September, 1804 : published by request of the Society. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Sherman & Mershon Publication Place: Trenton [N.J.] Date: 1804 Format: Book
2. Message from the President of the United States, communicating to Congress, an extract of a letter from Governor Claiborne to the Secretary of State, with one which it covered, for their information, as to the present state of the subject to which they relate. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1804 Format: Book
3. Field notes of Lot 20, Homer, NY. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Homer, NY Date: 1804 Format: Image Creator: Hopkins, S.A
4. Hand-drawn map of Homer, NY. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Homer, NY Date: 1804 Format: Image Creator: Hopkins, S.A
5. A short account of the settlement, produce, and commerce, of Prince of Wales Island, in the Straits of Malacca Creator: Leith, George, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed for J. Booth Publication Place: London Date: 1804 Format: Book