1. The Belief of Witchcraft Vindicated: Proving, From Scripture, there have been Witches, and, from Reason, that there may be Such still. In Answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, The Impossibility of Witchcraft: Plainly proving, from Scripture and Reason, That there never was a Witch, and c. Creator: G. R., a.m. Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row Publication Place: London Date: 1712 Format: Book
2. The Case of the Hertfordshire Witchcraft Consider'd. Being an Examination of a Book, Entitl'd, A Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft Practis'd by Jane Wenham of Walkern, upon the Bodies of Anne Thorne, Anne Stret, and c. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for J. Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun against St. Dustan's Church in Fleet Street Publication Place: London Date: 1712 Format: Book
3. The Impossibility of Witchcraft, Plainly proving, From Scripture and Reason, That there never was a Witch; and that it is both Irrational and Impious to believe there ever was. In which the Depostions Agaist Jane Wenham, Lately Try'd and Condemn'd for a Witch, at Hertford, are Confuted and Expos'd. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed, and Sold by J. Baker, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row Publication Place: London Date: 1712 Format: Book
4. A Full Confutation of Witchcraft: More particularly of the Depositions Against Jane Wenham, Lately Condemned for a Witch; at Hertford. In which The Modern Notions of Witches are overthrown, and the Ill Consequences of such Doctrines are exposed by Arguments; proving that, Witchcraft is Priestcraft. A Natura multa, plura ficta, à Dæmone nulla. In a Letter from a Physician in Hertfordshire, to his Friend in London. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row Publication Place: London Date: 1712 Format: Book