1. Lumber for the Taracol mill. Thousands of feet of timber which Korean lumbermen have whip-sawed out by hand Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image
2. Taracol cyanide plant extension Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image
3. Winter in the mines. Tabowie camp Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image
4. Constructing the Taracol 80 stamp mill Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image
5. Taracol mill, battery floor Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image
6. Taracol camp Collection: Willard D. Straight in Korea Location: Unsan, Pyongan-pukto, North Korea Date: ca. 1908 Format: Image