Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. The Niobrara course compiled by Rev. Lester Bradner ... ; a five year course of lessons for use in Niobrara deanery ; authorized by the Bishop of South Dakota ; translated into the Dakota tongue by Rev. E. Ashley ... and Rev. William holmes ; edited by the archdeacon of Niobrara ; published by the Rt. Rev. H.L. Burleson ... = Niobrara Woonspe Ookuwa Kin : wakan cekiye owayawa eciyatanhan wowapi kaga / Rev Lester Bradner ... ; Bishop of South Dakota iyowinkiye ; Rev. Dr. E. Ashley qa Rev. Wm. Holmes ; Dakota iapi en yuieskapi ; Archdeacon of Niobrara iapi awayaka ; Rt. Rev. H.L. Burleson ...