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71. The World Turn'd Upside Down: or, A Plain Detection of Errors, In the Common or Vulgar Belief, Relating To Spirits, Spectres or Ghosts, Dæmons, Witches, and c. In a Due and Serious Examination of their Nature, Power, Administration, and Operation. In What Forms or Shape Incorporeal Spirits appear to Men, by what Means, and of what Elements they take to themselves, and form Appearances of Bodies, visible to mortal Eyes; why they appear, and what Frights and Force of Imagination often delude us into the Apprehensions of supposed Phantasms, through the Intimidation of the Mind, and c. Also What evil Tongues have Power to produce of Hurt to Mankind, or Irational Creatures; and the Effects Men and Women are able to produce by their Communication with Good or Evil Spirits, and c. Written at the Request of a Person of Honour by B. B., a Protestant Minister for Publick Information.

72. Some Few Remarks, upon a Scandalous Book, against the Government and Ministry of New-England. Written, by one Robert Calef. Detecting the Unparrallel'd Malice and Falsehood of the said Book; and Defending the Names of several particular Gentlemen, by him therein aspersed and abused. Composed and Published by several Persons belonging to the Flock of some of the Injured Pastors, and concerned for their Just Vindication.

74. A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, and How Persons Guilty of that Crime may be Convicted: And the means used for their Discovery Discussed, both Negatively and Affirmatively, according to Scripture and Experience. By John Hale, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Beverley, Anno Domini 1697.

75. The Cheats and Illusions of Romish Priests and Exorcists. Discovered in the History of the Devils of London: Begin an Account of the Pretended Possession of the Ursuline Nuns, and of the Condemnation and Punishment of Urban Grandier a parson of the same Town.

76. Christ's Fidelity the Only Shield Against Satan's Malignity. Asserted in a Sermon Deliver'd at Salem-Village the 24th of March, 1692. Being Lecture-day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some Suspected for Witchcraft. By Deodat Lawson,Minister of the Gospel. The Second Edition.

78. A History of the Ridiculous Extravagancies of Monsieur Oufle; Occasion'd by his reading Books treating of Magick, the Black-Art, Daemoniacks, Conjurers, Witches, Hobgoblins, Incubus's, Succubus's and the Diabolical-Sabbath; of Elves, Fairies, Wanton Spirits, Genius's, Spectres and Ghosts; of Dreams, the Philosopher's-Stone, Judicial Astrology, Horoscopes, Talismans, Lucky and Unlucky Days, Eclipses, Comets, and all sorts of Apparitions, Divinations, Charms, Enchantments and other Superstitious Practices. With Notes containing a multitude of Quotations out of those Books, which have either Caused such Extravagant Imaginations, or may serve to Cure them. Written originally in French, by the Abbot B--; and now translated into English