31. The Infallible True and Assured Witch; or, The Second Edition of the Tryall of Witch-Craft Shewing the Right and True Methode of the Discoverie. With a Confutation of Erroneous Waies. Carefully Reviewed and more Fully cleared and Augmented Creator: Cotta, John, 1575?-1650? Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by I. L. for Richard Higginbotham, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Angel in Pauls church-yard Publication Place: London Date: 1624 Format: Book
32. Compendivm Maleficarvm, Ex quo nefandissima in genus humanum opera venefica, ac ad illa vitanda remedia conspiciuntur. Per Fratrem Franciscum Mariam Guaccium Ord. S. Ambrosij ad Nemus Mediolani compilatum. In hac autem secunda æditione ab eodem Creator: Guazzo, Francesco Maria Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Ex Collegij Ambrosiani typographia Publication Place: Milan Date: 1626 Format: Book
33. Dæmoniaci cvm Locis Infestis et Terricvlamentis Noctvrnis. Id est, libri tres, qvibvs spiritvvm homines obsidentium atque infestantium genera, conditiones, et, quas adferunt, molestiæ, molestiarumq; causæ atque modi explicantur: rationes quoque oft enduntur, quibus ab corundem molestijs contingit liberari. Avthore Petro Thyræo Novesiano, Societatis Iesu, Doctore Theologo. - 201 Creator: Thyraeus, Petrus, 1546-1601 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Ex Officina Choliniana, sumptibus Petri Cholini Publication Place: Coloniae Agrippinae Date: 1627 Format: Book
34. A Guide to Grand Iury Men, Divided into Two Books: In the First, is the Authors best aduice to them what to doe, before they bring in a Billa vera in cases of Witchcraft, with a Christian Direction to such as are too much giuen vp. on euery crosse to thinke themselues bewitched. In the Second, is a Treatise touching Witches good and bad, how they may bee knowne, euicted and condemned, with many particulars tending thereunto. The Second Addition. By Rich. Bernard of Batcombe. Creator: Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by Felix Kyngston for Edw. Blackmore, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church yard Publication Place: London Date: 1629 Format: Book
35. Henrici Cornelii Agrippae ab Nettesheym, De incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientiarum et artium liber, : lectu plane jucundus et elegans. Cum adjecto indice capitum. Accedunt duo ejusdem auctoris libelli; quorum unus est de nobilitate et praecellentia foeminei sexus, ejusdemque supra virilem eminentia; alter de matrimonio seu conjugio, lectu etiam jucundissimi. Creator: Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, 1486?-1535 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Excudebat Severinvs Matthaei. Pro officinis Abrahami Commelini et Davidis Lopes de Haro. Publication Place: Lvgdvni Batavorvm [Leiden] Date: 1643 Format: Book
36. The examination, confession, triall, and execution, of Joane Williford, Joan Cariden, and Jane Hott : who were executed at Feversham in Kent, for being witches, on Munday the 29 of September, 1645 : being a true copy of their evill lives and wicked deeds, taken by the Major of Feversham and jurors for the said inquest : with the examination and confession of Elizabeth Harris, not yet executed : all attested under the hand of Robert Greenstreet, major of Feversham. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for J. G. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
37. The Lawes against Witches, and Conjuration. And Some brief Notes and Observations for the Discovery of Witches. Being very useful for these Times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the foules of poor Creatures, in drawing them to that crying Sin of Witchcraft. Also, The Confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned for a Witch, at Ipswich in Suffolke Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for R.W. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
38. The lawes against witches, and conivration : and some brief notes and observations for the discovery of witches : being very usefull for these times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the soules of poore creatures, in drawing them to that crying sin of witch-craft : also, the confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned for a witch, at Ipswich in Suffolke. Published by authority. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for R.W. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
39. A True and Exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examinations, and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex. Who were arraigned and condemned at the late Sessions, holden at Chelmesford before the Right Honorable Roberts, Earle of Warwicke, and severall of his Majesties Justices of Peace, the 29 of July, 1645. Wherein the severall murthers, and devillish Witchcrafts, committed on the bodies of men, women, and children, and divers cattell, are fully discovered. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by M.S. for Henry Overton, and Benj. Allen, and are to be sold at their shops in Popes-bead Alley Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
40. A True Relation of the Arraignment of Thirty Witches at Chensford in Essex, before Judge Coniers, fourteene whereof were hanged on Friday last, July 25. 1645. there being at this time a hundred more in severall prisons in Suffolke and Essex. Setting forth the Confessions of the principall of them. Also shewing how the Divell had carnall copulations with Rebecca West, a young maid, daughter to one Anne West. And how they bewitched Men. Women, Children, and a Cattell to death: with many other strange things, the like was never heard of before. The names of those that were executed. Mrs. Wayt a Ministers wife. Anne West. Mother Benefield. Mother Goodwin. Jane Browne. Mother Forman. Rachel Flower. Mary Greene. Mary Foster. Jane Brigs. Mother Miller. Mother Clarke. Frances Jones. Mary Rhodes. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by I. H Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book