11. A detection of damnable driftes, practized by three vvitches arraigned at Chelmifforde in Essex, at the laste assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579 : set forthe to discouer the ambushementes of Sathan, whereby he would surprise vs lulled in securitie, and hardened with contempte of Gods vengeance threatened for our offences. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Imprinted for Edward White, at the little North-dore of paules Publication Place: London Date: 1579 Format: Book
12. Mallevs Maleficarvm in Tres Divisvs Partes, In quibus Concurrentia ad maleficia, Maleficiorum effectus, Remedia aduersus maleficia, Et modus deniq; procedendi, ac puniendi Maleficos abundè continentur, præcipuè autem omnibus Inquisitoribus, et diuini verbi Concionatoribus vtilis, ac necessarius. Auctore Iacobo Sprengero Ordinis Prædicatorum, olim Inquisitore. His nunc primùm adiecimus, M. Bernhardi Basin opusculum de artibus magicis, ac Magorum, maleficijs. Item. D. Vlrici Molitoris Constantiensis, de Lamijs et Pythonicis mulieribus Dialogum. Item. D. Ioannis de Gerson. Olim Cancellarij Parisi[Illegible word], de probatione Spirituum, libellum. Item. D. Thomæ Murner ordinis Minorum, libellum, de Pythonico contractu. Omnia Creator: Institoris, Heinrich, 1430-1505 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: apud Nicolaum Bassaeum Publication Place: Frankfurt am Main Date: 1580 Format: Book
13. The Second Part of the Demoniacke Worlde, or worlde possessed with Devils, conteining three Dialogues: 1. Of Familiar Devils. 2. Of Lunaticke Devils. 3. Of the conjuring of Devils Creator: Viret, Pierre Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: For John Perin, and are to bee solde in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Angel Publication Place: London Date: 1583 Format: Book
14. The Worlde possessed with Deuils, conteinyng three Dialogues. 1. Of the Deuill let loose. 2. Of Blacke Deuils. 3. Of White Deuils. And of the commyng of Jesus Christe to Judgement, a verie necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous daies. Creator: Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Imprinted for Ihon Perin, and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard at the Signe of the Angell Publication Place: London Date: 1583 Format: Book
15. Lvcerna Inqvisitorvm Haereticae Pravitatis R. P. F. Bernardi Comensis, Ordinis Prædicatorum: Et eiusdem Tractatus De strigibus, Cum annotationibus Francisci Pegnae sacræ theologiæ et iuris vtriusque doctoris. Additi svnt in hac impressione dvo Tractatus Ioannis Gersoni, vnus de Protestatione circa materiam fidei, alter de Signis pertinacia bæreticæ prauitatis Creator: Bernardus, Comensis, d. ca. 1510 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Cvm Licentia Svperiorvm. Ex Officina Bartholomæi Grassi Publication Place: Romae Date: 1584 Format: Book
16. The Discoverie of Witchcraft, Wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knaverie of conjurors, the impietie of inchanters, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falsehood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practises of Pythonists, the curiositie of figurecasters, the vanitie of dreamers, the begger lie art of Alcumystrie, The abomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magicke, and all the conveiances of legierdemaine and juggling are deciphered: and many other things opened, which have long been hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be known. Creator: Scot, Reginald Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: William Brome Publication Place: London Date: 1584 Format: Book
17. De la Demonomanie des Sorciers. A Monseignevr M. Chrestofle de Thou, Cheualier, Seigneur de C li, premier President en la Cour de Parlement, et Conseiller du Roy en son priué Conseil. Reueu, corrigé, et augmenté d'vne grande partie. Par I. Bodin, Angevin Creator: Bodin, Jean Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Chez Iacqves dv-Pvys, Libraire Iuré, à la Samaritaine. 1587. Avec Privilege dv Roy Publication Place: Paris Date: 1587 Format: Book
18. A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by witches and sorcerers : by which men are and haue been greatly deluded, the antiquitie of them, their diuers sorts and names : with an answer vnto diuers friuolous reasons which some doe make to prooue that the deuils did not make those aperations in any bodily shape. Imprinted at London : for Toby Cooke, 1587 Creator: Gifford, George, d. 1620 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Toby Cooke Publication Place: London Date: 1587 Format: Book
19. Commentary on Minutes of the Trial for Witchcraft of Dr. Dietrich Flade, of Trier, 1589 [Commentary by Edward Peters] Creator: Flade, Dietrich, 1534-1589, defendant Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Manuscript, on paper, in a 16th century German hand. Text is in German Publication Place: Trier Date: 1589 Format: Book
20. Daemonologie, in Forme of a Dialogue, Diuided into three Bookes. Creator: James I, King of England, 1566-1625 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by Robert Walde-graue. Printer to the Kings Majestie. Cum Privilegio Regio Publication Place: Edinburgh Date: 1597 Format: Book