441. Nereid Monument, lesser podium frieze Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Klarman Hall, ground floor, north entry wing previously, WarehouseXanthos, Turkey (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 390-380 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
442. Nereid Monument, lesser podium frieze Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall, former Temple of Zeus space previously, WarehouseXanthos, Turkey (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 390-380 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
443. Nereid Monument, lesser podium frieze Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall, former Temple of Zeus space previously, WarehouseXanthos, Turkey (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 390-380 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
444. Athenian ephebic list Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (acquired by troops from Hesse-Kassel in Athens, 1688) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 c. 178-179 CE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
445. Nike of Paionios Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Klarman Hall Atrium, Cornell University Olympia, Greece (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 420 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Paionios of Mende Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
446. Parthenon frieze, North XLV, figs. 125-126 Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
447. Parthenon frieze, North XLV, fig. 127 Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
448. Parthenon frieze, North XLIII, figs. 119-120 Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
449. Parthenon frieze, North XXXIV, fig. 90 Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
450. Parthenon frieze, North XLV Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta