1. Johnson Graduate School of Management Sage Hall Dedication; Dean Robert Swieringa and Pres. Rawlings near podium in Sage atrium Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Date: 1998-10-02 to 1998-10-03 Format: Image
2. Johnson Graduate School of Management Sage Hall Dedication; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Johnson sitting in foreground Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Date: 1998-10-02 to 1998-10-03 Format: Image
3. Johnson Graduate School of Management Sage Hall Dedication; Dean Robert Swieringa at podium in Sage atrium Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Date: 1998-10-02 to 1998-10-03 Format: Image
4. Johnson Graduate School of Management Sage Hall Dedication; Six Business and Public Administration Deans Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Date: 1998-10-02 to 1998-10-03 Format: Image