581. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront (verso) Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
582. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront (verso) Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
583. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
584. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront (verso) Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
585. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
586. Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Location: Vienna, Austria Date: 1910 Format: Image Performer: Kuhn, Betti Photographer: Steinbock, J.
587. Women and male impersonators as wedding party (verso) Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: 1910 Format: Image
588. Women and male impersonators as wedding party Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: 1910 Format: Image
589. Male impersonators in front of stack of lumber Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: 1910 Format: Image
590. Male impersonators smoking cigars (verso) Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: 1910 Format: Image