41. Gustav Luzernow - in seinen urkomischen Frauentypen Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Performer: Gustav Luzernow Publisher: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt & Co., Lubeck
42. ? Luzernow ? Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Publisher: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt & Co., Lubeck
43. ? Luzernow ? Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Publisher: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt & Co., Lubeck
44. Emil Brunelly - Soubretten parodist, rezitator sopran u bariton sanger Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Performer: Emil Brunelly
45. ? Luzernow ? Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Publisher: John Koefod, Lichtdruckanstalt, Hamburg
46. ? Luzernow ? Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image Publisher: John Koefod, Lichtdruckanstalt, Hamburg
47. Hilmar Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image
48. Hilmar Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image
49. [Female impersonator in costume] Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image
50. [Female impersonator in costume] Collection: Postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1930 Date: ca. 1905 Format: Image