81. Nathan Straus to Rubin Saltzman about Presenting Program to Executive Members, March 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-03-09 Format: Image Creator: Straus, Nathan, 1889-1961 Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: United Jewish Appeal
82. Rubin Saltzman to Meyer Weisgal Appealing IWO Jewish Section's Exclusion, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-16 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Weisgal, Meyer Wolfe, 1894-1977 Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
83. Rubin Saltzman to the National Executive Committee of the American Jewish Conference about Reconsidering their Decision, June 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Exhibit and Collection Highlights Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-06-03 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: American Jewish Conference Organization: International Workers Order
84. Rubin Saltzman to Henry Monsky about Copies of "Century of the Common Man", May 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-05-03 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Monsky, Henry, 1890-1947 Organization: International Workers Order
85. Rubin Saltzman to Henry Monsky about Reconsidering Decision, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-28 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Monsky, Henry, 1890-1947 Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
86. Rubin Saltzman to Henry Monsky about Participation in the American Jewish Conference, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-15 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Monsky, Henry, 1890-1947 Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
87. Rubin Saltzman to the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Conference about Delayed Response, May 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-05-03 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: American Jewish Conference Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
88. Rubin Saltzman to Meyer Weisgal about Meeting, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-16 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Weisgal, Meyer Wolfe, 1894-1977 Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
89. Ari Mark to Rubin Saltzman about Meeting Arrangement, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-19 Format: Image Creator: Mark, Ari Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: American Jewish Conference [Assembly]
90. Rubin Saltzman to Meyer Weisgal about Letters from the American Jewish Asembly, April 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-04-16 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Recipient: Weisgal, Meyer Wolfe, 1894-1977 Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.