1. "Twa Brigs o'Ayr," the Two Bridges of Ayr Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Ayr, South Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
2. Edinburgh from Calton Hill Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1895 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
3. Lincoln Castle, East Gate Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom Date: 1068 (building) ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
4. Glasgow Cathedral from the Southeast Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) 1197-ca. 1399 (building) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
5. Edinburgh. The House of John Knox Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1450 (building) ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
6. Edinburgh. Canongate Tollbooth Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: 1591 (building) ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
7. Edinburgh Castle and National Gallery Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: 1850-1859 (National Gallery) ca. 1500-ca. 1599 (castle)ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893), ...
8. Edinburgh Castle from the Grass Market Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) ca. 1500-ca. 1599 (building) Format: Image Creator: Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)
9. Edinburgh. Sir Walter Scott Monument Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) 1840-1846 (monument) Format: Image Creator: Kemp, E. Meikle (Architect, 1795-1844), ...
10. Edinburgh. Scott Monument, from the Royal Institution Collection: Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885 (photograph) 1840-1846 (monument) Format: Image Creator: Kemp, E. Meikle (Architect, 1795-1844), ...