1. Lehigh Valley Railroad Wilkes-Barre Yard and Pennsylvania Railroad Freight House Yard Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Central Railroad of New Jersey: Buttonwood Yards and Wilkes-Barre Interchange Location: Wilkes Barre, PA Wilkes Barre Yards Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Stemrich, James
2. Lehigh Valley Railroad Wilkes-Barre Yard and Pennsylvania Railroad Freight House Yard Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Central Railroad of New Jersey: Buttonwood Yards and Wilkes-Barre Interchange Location: Wilkes Barre, PA Wilkes Barre Yards Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Stemrich, James