651. Woden Center from across a parking lot (Woden, Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Woden, Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
652. Town village square (Druten, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Druten, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
653. Town center from across a lake (Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
654. Neighborhood from across a meadow (Hiitomaki, Helsinki, FI) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Hiitomaki, Helsinki, FI Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
655. Town center from the north (Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
656. New Maas bridge and traffic interchange (Rotterdam, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Rotterdam, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
657. Town center from the east (Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Tuggeranong, Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
658. New town center (Katowice, PL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Katowice, PL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
659. Single family detached homes along a brick-paved road (Amsterdam, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Amsterdam, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
660. Hotorget redevelopment site (Hötorget, Stockholm, SE) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Hötorget, Stockholm, SE Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)