181. Kindergarten school grounds with housing nearby (Kiev, UA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Kiev, UA Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
182. Mixed-use development in downtown Rotterdam (Rotterdam, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Rotterdam, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
183. New development alongside a pre-WWII structure (Rotterdam, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Rotterdam, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
184. New housing on a May Day celebration in 1966 (Warsaw, PL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Warsaw, PL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
185. New buildings along a street (Nowe Tychy, Tychy, PL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Nowe Tychy, Tychy, PL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
186. New housing under construction (The Hague, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: The Hague, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
187. Office buildings in Canberra (Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
188. Office buildings in Canberra (Canberra, AU) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Canberra, AU Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
189. Children playing in the common areas between two-story attached residences (Druten, NL) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Druten, NL Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
190. Children playing behind a residential building (Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, FI) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, FI Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)