1801. Copper River Valley Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Wrangells AlaskaWrangell Mountains Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1802. Glaciers east side, upper part of Lynn Canal Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Southeast AlaskaSouthern Panhandle Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1803. Hanging Valley - Taiya Inlet below Skagway Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaSouthern Panhandle Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1804. White pass from below Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Southeast CanadaBritish Columbia Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1805. Track shifted by glacial stream from Spencer Glacier Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Spencer Glacier AlaskaKenai Peninsula Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1806. Alaska Northern track on outwash gravel plain Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaKenai Peninsula Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1807. Outer border of moraine of former recent advance of Spencer Glacier Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Spencer Glacier AlaskaKenai Peninsula Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1808. Dam destroyed by Spencer Glacier stream Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Spencer Glacier AlaskaKenai Peninsula Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1809. Waterfall from west margin, Spencer Glacier Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Spencer Glacier AlaskaKenai Peninsula Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1810. Ice on gravel margin, McBride and Casement glaciers Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska McBride Glacier, Casement Glacier AlaskaGlacier Bay Date: 1911 1911 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr