751. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 04, Floor Plan Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
752. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 05, South Elevation Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
753. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 06, East Elevation Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
754. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 07, Frontal Axonometric Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
755. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 08, Model - View from above Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 revised 1997 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
756. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 09, Model - South Elevation and Entrance Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 revised 1997 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
757. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 10, Model - Oblique Front View Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 revised 1997 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
758. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 11, Model - Oblique View Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 revised 1997 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
759. The Easthampton Airport Terminal Design Competi 12, Frontal Axonometric [revised version] Collection: John Clair Miller Location: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States (inhabited place) East Hampton Airport (N.Y.) Date: 1989 revised 1997 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Town of Easthampton, New York
760. Kent State 4 May Memorial Design Competition 01, Design - Formal Concept Studies 1 Collection: John Clair Miller Location: Kent, Portage, Ohio, United States (inhabited place) Kent State University Date: 1990 Format: Image Designer: John Clair Miller Project Owner: Kent State University, Ohio