1. Apollo Sauroktonos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 1890-1900 1st c. CE (Roman copy) ca. 350-340 BCE (Greek original)2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Roman copy), ... Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
2. Apollo Sauroktonos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 1890-1900 1st c. CE (Roman copy) ca. 350-340 BCE (Greek original)2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Roman copy), ... Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
3. Apollo Sauroktonos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 1890-1900 1st c. CE (Roman copy) ca. 350-340 BCE (Greek original)2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Roman copy), ... Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
4. Apollino or Medici Apollo Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 128), Cornell University previously, Warehouse (exhibited temporarily at Weinhold Chilled Water Plant, Nov. 2014-June 2015)Italy (discovery site, 17th c.) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 2nd c. CE (Roman copy/version)mid 4th c. BCE (possible Greek original) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
5. Seated priest of Apollo from Didyma (Branchide) Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 128), Cornell University previously, WarehouseDidyma, Turkey (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 600-550 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
6. Sosibios Vase Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse possibly Rome (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 50 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Sosibios (attributed by signature in Greek on vase) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
7. Figure U (Old Lapith woman), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 475-456 BCE 1st c. BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
8. Figure D (head of Centaur from group of figs. D and E), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 475-456 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
9. Figures F and G (Lapith boy and Centaur), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 470-456 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
10. Parthenon frieze, East VI, fig. 39 Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 447-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta